Asteric & Obelic on:International Democracy
Shame And HypocrisyKosovo and Metohija - the future of Europe!Come visit! Take a sniff down memory lane.
We have brown powder, white powder and we have lady-snow cocaine.
We have absolutely the best world class grass
and ready made packages for your smuggle convenience that you can put up your ass.
If you need a new hip,
hurry up and book your trip!
You can change your kidney today
or you can change it at the end of your stay!
Choose from a number of freshly harvested organs from different nationalities.
A Serbian heart, a Greek liver, a Bulgarian arm,
a wrinkle-free christian-orthodox head or a package already made,
containing a mix of gypsy kidneys and lungs from the streets of Belgrade.
If you are a man and have no balls,
we have a variety displayed on our walls.
Book now and you will get two for one - for the price of three!
We´ll even throw in a girl, dead or alive is something that we can not guarantee,
almost virgin with a written and signed declaration that she has not been raped more then once,
but at least she comes for free!
Numerous fieldtrips also included for free, we will be looting, burning, lynching and rob
and we want to let you be part of that lucky mob.
Stay at the worlds biggest hotel and recreation spa – Hotel Bondsteel.
With delicious food and drinks for whenever you need a meal,
with the airport just around the corner of Clinton Avenue and Albright street,
and cool aircons to help you avoid the heat.
Take a trip and learn hypocrisy
Come on! Take a trip to our new democracy
You will learn how to become brave
by destroying a few churches and killing a Serbian grave
Take a trip to Kosovo and Metohija,
once the cradle of Serbia with a history of fame
Now disturbia turned into devils lavatory,
Albanian glory
And United Nations Eternal Shame
Den Galna Serben--------------------------
Read More About....
- Kosovo Killers, Part 1. "U.S. and German special forces knew that Serbs had been kidnapped in 1999. As they didn't do anything to fix the situation, we should assume they also were involved in the trafficking network." -"Enough facts had been dug up to indict Kosovo's former Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, current head of state Hashim Thachi and other prominent Albanians."
- The Boy From The Yellow House: I watched corps being cut by saw "Live people were wrapped in barbed wire and thrown down the hills".
- Media and official evidence of “butchering” Slavic people in Kosovo for human organs- Why the West ignored these atrocities !?
- Humanitarian Ethnic Cleansing: Pogrom 2004 Is this a sign of civilized society and multiethnic democracy announced by Kosovo Albanians leaders? Prizren (All Prizren churches were destroyed on March 17 and March 18)
- BERKLEY Professor Killed by Albanian mob Kosovo 1999 On November 29 a Serb Professor Dragoslav Basic, a former Fulbright scholar who had studied and taught at the University of California at Berkeley was killed by enraged Albanian mob in the streets of Pristina. Beside him his wife and mother-in-law were seriously wounded. At the end of this frightening linch scene their car was set on fire.
- June 20, 1986 Kosovo Serbs Flee en masse! At the end of June 1986, the whole Serbian village of Batusa fled from the village to seek refuge in front of the unabated terror.
- Attacking the dead! December 4,1984 Grave Desecration is one of the methods the Albanian Terrorists use to get rid of the Serbs
- Nine year old raped by Albanian neighbour Kosovo 1983. Serbian father carries his 9 year old daughter, shortly after she was raped by Albanian neighbors in 1983, in Kosovo Rape as an Instrument of Terror Albanian separatists
- The Horror faith of Babic brothers 1983 Kosovo. In the village of Dolac, near Klina, the Babic brothers were first stabbed with knives, then, as they were returning from the fields, some Albanians ambushed them.
- Albanians brake arm of Abbess, Mother Paraskeva 1982 Srbica, Kosovo. It is not possible to enumerate all the sufferings inflicted upon Paraskeva, the Abbess of the monastery of Devic. Mother Paraskeva has only one arm; the Albanians broke that arm so she can no longer make the sign of the cross.
- Raping a Nun is NOT Rape (Albanian Police, Kosovo 1982) a Roman Catholic nun from Croatia came to stay with the nuns as their guest.
- After 30 attempts, Kosovo Serb Miodrag Saric Killed. Kosovo Serb Miodrag Saric on July 3, 1982 in the village of Mece near Djakovica, 40 miles southwest of Pristina, was killed in his own back yard at the thirtieth attempt on hislife.
- Danilo Milincic: June 2, 1982 i Samodreza, Kosovo. Milinčić Danilo (born in 1960. village Samodreža , Vučitrn - killed on June 2, 1982 . was a Serb from Kosovo who was brutally murdered by neighbors of Albanian nationality June 2, 1982. On his own property cowardly shot in the heart.
- Appeal! Stop The Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo! April 16, 1982. Kosovo. 21 Serbian priests and monks addressed an appeal to the Yugoslav government that focused on the human rights violations against Kosovo Serbs in Kosovo:
- Entire Serb Family Expelled from Kosovo. In 1974 the Albanians expelled the brothers Vojin and Velimir Soskic, together with 17 members of their family, from the village of Papracani near Decani; having beaten them up at the well, they forced them to leave with threats and violence.
- Evil Doings! & Continued Ethnic Cleansing: Srbica, Kosovo 1971. Ljubomir Vucinic was forced out of the village of Ljubovac near Srbica in Kosovo. Another 80 Serbian families were driven out and only six families remained there. They were all forced out by threats, barrages of stone-throwing and the firing of guns around their houses at night.
- Albanians Kill Priest in Kosovo! 1941 Srbica. Monastery Devic suffered the greatest devastation during World War II. Albanians destroyed and burned the monastery in 1941, and savagely killed Damaskin Boskovic,
- Confirmed by German Network TV: German Intelligence and the CIA supported Al Qaeda sponsored Terrorists in Yugoslavia
- Kosovo Today. The situation of Serbs and non Albanians in Kosovo 2013 and until now
- Crime Without Punishment! Kosovo 2004... 20-40 000 NATO troops NOT able to prevent ethnic cleansing and destruction in a small area which they occupy? BULLSHIT!!!!!! This is NATO approved Ethnic cleansing.. What is there to say..? watch and you decide if this is civilisation or something else
- Anatomy Of A Crime! Organ theft in Kosovo (sometimes also known as the "yellow house" case) refers to alleged organ harvesting and killing of an indeterminate number of "disappeared" people.
- Hushed up Kosovo war crimes. People all over the world keep saing "NEVER AGAIN" .... NOW ITS HAPPENING AGAIN... and the very same people are very silent... Silence supports MONSTERS and MONSTERS are ABOVE THE LAW.....
- Kosovo Kidnapped and murdered 1-3. Soon to be introduced on a stock market near you. Humanitarian Democratic values at work in Kosovo and Albania! i guess when theysaid never again, they meant never any Serb to survive again.... (!)
- Kraj (The End) Year of production: 2007 Russian documentary „On the edge - Sentenced to exile" deals with the problem of Kosovo and Metohija. The film was aired twice on the First channel of state Russian television and has provoked great public interest. The film shows the destinies of people from Kosovo who for many years have lived in conditions of permanent fear, despair and suffering
- Podujevo Multiethnic democracy? March 17, 2004 is remembered by pogrom of Kosovo Serbs and it's presented everywhere as an example of the worst ethnic and religious violence committed under the UN protectorate in its history - 35 Orthodox churches and monasteries are destroyed or damaged.
- What Albanians have done to Kosovo. Why do we allow this? Why do the Humanitarians Use the biggest military power in the world to protect criminals such as this...?
- Albanian Jihad. This heinous crime / massacre, one of the worst of its kind in post-war Kosovo has never been fully investigated by UNMIK police and KFOR and its perpetrators are still free today. After the terrorist attack on a Serb civilian bus (Feb 16, 2001) in which 11 people were killed (two of them children) and 40 wounded a few Kosovo Albanian suspects have been arrested by UN police. The main suspect Florim Ejupi is direcly linked to the circles of Kosovo Albanian organized crime, close to the former KLA and its successor UN/NATO sponosred Kosovo Protection Corps. Despite all security measures Ejupi ran away from the American detention facility in Camp Bondsteel. British Sunday Times reveals in its article by Bob Graham (July 29, 2001: British troops' error led to bus bomb) that "UN sources believe that Florim Ejupi had been working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). His trial would have been a serious embarrassment, they claim".
- Kosovo Miljana The Pain Of a Little Girl!. What a sad future awaiting this child, filled with hatred in the heart .:-(
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